Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback: How to Download and Enjoy This Beautiful Song

If you are looking for a song that will touch your heart and inspire your faith, you might want to listen to Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback, a gospel song by Shirley Carvalhaes. This song is about how God sees us even when we are far away from Him, and how He loves us unconditionally. In this article, we will show you how to download Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback for free and enjoy this beautiful song.

What is Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback?

Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback is a song by Shirley Carvalhaes, a Brazilian singer and songwriter who is considered one of the most influential gospel artists in Brazil. She has released more than 30 albums and sold more than 15 million copies. She is known for her powerful voice and her emotional lyrics that express her love for God and her gratitude for His grace.

Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback is one of her most popular songs, and it was released in 1998 as part of her album Olhos de Quem Ama. The song is written by Rozeane Ribeiro, another famous gospel singer and songwriter. The song has a slow tempo and a soft melody that create a peaceful and soothing atmosphere. The lyrics are in Portuguese, but here is a translation of the chorus:

Far away I saw You
You were looking at me
You knew everything about me
You knew my name
You knew my story
You knew my pain
You knew my suffering
And You loved me anyway

How to download Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback for free?

If you want to download Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback for free, you have two options. The first one is to visit the SoundCloud website, where you can find a version of the song uploaded by LuespecXbeno. You can either listen to it online or download it as an MP3 file. However, keep in mind that this option might not be legal in some countries, and that the quality of the audio file might not be optimal.

The second option is to visit the 4shared website, where you can find two versions of the song uploaded by Thonha Silva Souza and bield. You can either listen to them online or download them as MP3 files. However, keep in mind that this option might not be legal in some countries either, and that you need to register with your email address and create a password to access the files.

What are the lyrics of Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback?

If you want to sing along with Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback, you need to know the lyrics of the song. The lyrics are in Portuguese, but here is a translation of the chorus:

Far away I saw You
You were looking at me
You knew everything about me
You knew my name
You knew my story
You knew my pain
You knew my suffering
And You loved me anyway

You can find the full lyrics of the song on the website, where you can also watch a video of the song and read some comments from other fans. You can also find the lyrics on the 4shared website, where you can download the song as an MP3 file.

How to enjoy Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback?

Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback is a song that will make you feel closer to God and His love. It is a song that will inspire you to trust Him and His plans for your life. It is a song that will comfort you and give you hope. Here are some ways to enjoy this beautiful song:

  • Listen to it with your headphones and close your eyes. Imagine that God is speaking to you through the song and that He is watching over you.
  • Sing along with the song and express your gratitude and praise to God. Thank Him for His grace and mercy and for His unconditional love.
  • Share the song with your friends and family. Tell them how this song has touched your heart and how it has helped you in your faith journey.
  • Use the song as a prayer. Ask God to help you see Him in every situation and to trust Him in every circumstance.


Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback is a gospel song by Shirley Carvalhaes that will touch your heart and inspire your faith. It is about how God sees us even when we are far away from Him, and how He loves us unconditionally. In this article, we have shown you how to download Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback for free and enjoy this beautiful song.

You can download Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback for free from the SoundCloud website or the 4shared website. You can also find the lyrics of the song on the website or the 4shared website. You can enjoy this song by listening to it with your headphones, singing along with it, sharing it with your friends and family, or using it as a prayer.

Bem Distante Eu Te Vi Playback is a song that will make you feel closer to God and His love. It is a song that will inspire you to trust Him and His plans for your life. It is a song that will comfort you and give you hope. Don’t miss this opportunity to download and listen to this amazing song.[1].md[dvdrip][spanish]
